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Our actors

Fur seal SMELAYA (Russian for 'Brave') – one of the smartest actresses of DOLPHIN WORLD. This miniature lady is gifted with a remarkable scenic talent. Being hard-working and ambitious, SMELAYA has made a wonderful career – though she is only 20! She may seem fragile, but all our guests are aware of what a wonderful gymnast SMELAYA is. She is never afraid of challenge and new sports experience. SMELAYA is devoted to her sweetheart and best friend, the fur seal AGAT.

Fur seal АGAT – one of the best sportsmen of DolphinWorld and a partner of SMELAYA. This actor is loved by all guests. Being incredibly adroit and gifted, he is as sporty and artistic as his girlfriend –however, these caring and faithful partners will never be able to be rivals. SMELAYA is not the only person who loves AGAT – all his friends appreciate his perfect manners, outgoingness and politeness.

Walrus LILA – the youngest actress DolphinWorld. However, her youth is not an obstacle for her impressive talent. Being only 2, Lila has achieved much – she has won title "Miss Charming" in the "Chukotka Fashion Models" contest and become the star of our dolphinarium. Gifted and totally adorable, LILA is devoted to all her fans, she is always ready to sit to photographer in the company of her admirers.

Sea lion DIMAS – the favourite of our ladies, the perfect image of strength, self-confidence and manliness. DIMAS is very ravishing and handsome, moreover, he is the best sportsman of DOLPHIN WORLD. He devotes much time to exercises, Dimas’s favourite sports are surfing, volleyball and dancing.

Bottle-nose dolphin SABRINA – this aristocratic and elegant lady is very proud of herself. Beautiful, intelligent and well-bread SABRINA has deserved the glory of being a gifted actress. She never gives up and does her best to achieve more. We are sure that she is going to conquer many mountaintops, no matter how unapproachable they may seem at first sight. SABRINA loves GERASIM, her trainer and fish.

Bottle-nose dolphin GERASIM – this fellow is a great actor and sportsman and a versatile personality. Young, temperamental and gifted GERASIM has conquered hearts of the audience and deserved the fame of a star. GERASIM can boast his sports achievements and gives much time to keep fit. Despite his bright career, he has no ill-willers among the other actors due to his friendly and outgoing character.

The bottlenose dolphin FIONA – is the youngest princess of our dolphinarium. Her character is distinguished by the special kindness and tenderness.
Fiona is in an excellent physical trained dolphin, thanks to her agility she is able to fulfill the most difficult tricks, that is made by her with joy and happiness.
Easygoing and friendly, Fiona easily communicates with the audience.
