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Salvation of the blue-white dolphins

12 young species of blue-white dolphins thrown on the sea line near the yacht club of Alcudia (north of Majorca). 

As it was said by the police deputy and by the council of agriculture, environment protection and territorial development, the message about animal’s appearance in the region, where the depth is no more than 30 centimeters, was received at 6.30 am. 

The agents of Cofib (fauna’s protection organization), biologists and the local security service arrived to the place. The first action from their side was to isolate and to circle the problem area. They informed the coordination centre and started to rescue the sea mammals. 

Biologists came to a conclusion that animals should be delivered into an open sea. Three dolphins abandoned the zone of the low depth with the assistance of the specialists; the rest 12 dolphins were transported to the sea by the special platforms, installed on the water bikes. The operation lasted till 11.30 am. Cofib stuff took the samples of dolphins blood to find out if this behavior was caused by some sickness. 

Blue-white dolphins are the most widespread species among dolphins in the Western part of the Mediterranean Sea. The length of the body for the adult species is usually up to 2.2 meters.


