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Social groups

About the tickets and services

Dear friends,

We remind you that you may purchase a ticket to our shows:

- in the hotel you are staying in;

- in the tourists shops of the city;

- in aquacentres of the beaches of Hurgada.

It is also possible to reserve the tickets by phone numbers listed under "Contacts". Just call, and we will book you a ticket and give you a free lift!
Tickets cost (including transportation):

- for adults and teenagers elder than 12 - 35$

- for children (aged from 5 to 12) - 17$

- for children under 5 is free.

After the show you can get a picture of yourself and your favourite actors!
The prices for photo (A5 size):

- with a dolphin - 15$;

- with a fur seal - 15$;

- with a walrus - 15$.

We get photos ready in five minutes after we take them.

You may specify all issues you are interested in by calling: 

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Телефон (Viber, whatsApp, Line): +201001173378 +201119788892

Have a pleasant day!
