We are happy to see you in Dolphin World during winter holidays!
One of the most favorite holidays- New Year – is approaching. A lot of people go on vacation, and there are various ways of spending them – ones prefer to stay with their families, others love to go on trips. Many tourists are in love with Egypt – a fairy exotic land.
Those who go to Egypt have a wonderful opportunity to visit Dolphin World and enjoy its fabulous shows where fur seals, sea lions, dolphins and other animals participate. You will be able to swim with the animals and even to go through dolphintherapy course.
We are looking forward to see you in Dolphin World on New Year holidays. You can see the schedule and program changes watching our website and groups in social networks https://www.facebook.com/Dolphin-World-Dolphin-Therapy-Egypt-Hurghada-Makadi-Bay-176919086440657/