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October, 4 - World Animal Day

Today Dolphin Day celebrates World Animal Day. This holiday established in Florence in 1931, was confined to the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the saint patron of animals. According to the legend, he was capable to contact Friar Minors, and even predators never hurt him .

The dolphinarium is the second family for the staff of  Dolphin World, we love our pets dearly. We do everything to make them happy and provide a healthy habitat for them. Dolphin World and the colleagues of the dolphinarium take an active part in helping endangered youngsters. The fur seal Nafanya and the ringed seal Busya from our partners’ dolphinarium in Sochi are among the saved ones.

World Animal Day is a holiday for those who cares about animals’ future. We are happy to see so many animal-lovers among our visitors. Come to congratulate our actors with their day and watch their performance!
