Dolphin World offers you family dolphin therapy
The most frequent clients of Dolphin World are kids and teenagers. However, moms and dads can undergo a dolphin therapy course with their children, too! First, little ones are often more confident while accompanied by their elder relatives. Second, both parents and children feel better after swimming with dolphins together. There’s nothing like this!
Family dolphin therapy is practiced in many dolphinariums. It helps both to gain health and raise one’s tonicity. Moreover, the members of family get really closer and learn to understand each other better. The psychologists of Dolphin World help dolphins to reach this goal.
We are happy that dolphin therapy in Dolphin World helps not only to recover but also to gain (or re-gain) love and understanding. The dolphinarium has been preparing for such sessions for years and now we are glad people attend them and get better. The prices remain the same– 1 session per 1 person is 165€ . Looking forward to see you in Dolphin World!
Dolphin World wishes happy Teacher’s Day!
Our Russian friends have kind and joyful celebration - Teacher’s Day – on October, 7. Today all the Russians – both old and young – congratulate their teachers, lecturers and professors. Dolphin World congratulates educators as well and wishes them health, grateful students and career development. May your job be happiness to you!
The dolphinarium has a right to consider Teacher’s Day the holiday of Dolphin World. We provide our guests with a splendid opportunity to learn more of our pets, their habits and peculiarities. The visitors of the dolphinarium, especially young ones, are always willing to learn about the way of living and the appearance of marine mammals. Many of them become loyal friends and protectors of sea animals after getting to know them better. The staff of Dolphin World is happy to see the dolphinarium to be both an entertainment and educational center. We are looking forward to see you every day except Saturday!
October, 4 - World Animal Day
Today Dolphin Day celebrates World Animal Day. This holiday established in Florence in 1931, was confined to the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the saint patron of animals. According to the legend, he was capable to contact Friar Minors, and even predators never hurt him .
The dolphinarium is the second family for the staff of Dolphin World, we love our pets dearly. We do everything to make them happy and provide a healthy habitat for them. Dolphin World and the colleagues of the dolphinarium take an active part in helping endangered youngsters. The fur seal Nafanya and the ringed seal Busya from our partners’ dolphinarium in Sochi are among the saved ones.
World Animal Day is a holiday for those who cares about animals’ future. We are happy to see so many animal-lovers among our visitors. Come to congratulate our actors with their day and watch their performance!
October, 1 - International Day of Older Persons
The dolphinarium Dolphin World accepts different guests – kids, their parents and grand-parents. The latter are the most privileged visitors for us today for it is International Day of Older Persons on October, 1. This celebration is beloved in our country because family is one of our core values.
The dolphinarium Dolphin World congratulates elderly people and wishes them happy and enjoyable life. We try to make their performances interesting for people of all ages. Hope the shows are a treat not only for children and their parents but for older people as well. We are looking forward to see you in “Aquatoria” now and forever.
The dolphinarium Dolphin World offers you autumn therapy
Holiday season has come to an end, but the dolphinarium Dolphin World carries on working. We still accept many visitors and hold swimming with dolphins and dolphin therapy sessions. It’s no secret that many of us prefer to undergo dolphin therapy in the autumn when there are few people around. The dolphinarium is happy to inform you that we have vacancies for the end of Septemer and the beginning of October. Thus those who are willing to recover can choose the time that suits them. However, they’d better hurry up for there are lots of eager ones!
Please mind that you should dial +201140663328 to order a dolphin therapy course.