The new season of the Dolphin Therapy!
It seems, that dolphins and dolphin assisted therapy can produce not only ultrasonic sound, but also an euphoria.
No wonder that children are fond of playing and splashing with them.
Swimming with dolphins gives a charge of bright emotions and helps.
The friendliness and openness of the animals cause the response even from the most vicious kid or adult.
During the observation of people, playing with dolphins and the smiles on their faces you catch yourself
on the idea, that this smile is very similar with the dolphins smile.
More interesting about Dolphin Therapy in Dolphin World you can see on our channel in Youtube
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Телефон (Viber, whatsApp, Line): +201001173378 +201119788892
Feedback about dolphin therapy from Estonia.
ATTENTION! The new season of the dolphintherapy from14th of SEPTEMBER!
It seems, that dolphins and dolphin assisted therapy can produce not only ultrasonic sound, but also an euphoria.
No wonder that children are fond of playing and splashing with them.
Swimming with dolphins gives a charge of bright emotions and helps.
The friendliness and openness of the animals cause the response even from the most vicious kid or adult.
During the observation of people, playing with dolphins and the smiles on their faces you catch yourself
on the idea, that this smile is very similar with the dolphins smile.
More questions:
Телефон (Viber, whatsApp, Line): +201001173378 +201119788892
Dolphins games.
Dolphins are known for their playful behavior and the fact that for hack value, they can let the water air bubbles in the form of a ring with the help of the blowhole.
This can be a large cloud of bubbles, bubbles flows or separate bubbles. Some of them act as communicative signals.
Let us introduce you Andrew.
Andrew is fond of animals, ready to embrace, stroke, play and take care of them for days. Unfortunately, at his 5 he was only able to observe them from the distance, for the reason he has a strong allergy on wool. Fortunately, dolphins have no wool!
At last Andrew was able to enjoy by the communication and play with the living species; to present them all his love, tenderness, and the dolphins reciprocated him!
By the way, after finishing the course of dolphin assisted therapy Andrew find out he has no allergy on camels anymore. Perhaps the dolphins helped him to overcome it…
The sea animals from diferent corners of the world.
In Dolphin World, on the seaside of the Red sea you will be able to see animals from different corners of the world.
+201001173378 +201119788892